Tony Bluestone
Tony Bluestone holds a BA in Fine Arts from Bard College and Hunter College , respectively. After graduating with a master's degree, he worked in the United States. In the fall of last year, he held solo exhibitions at his exclusive gallery, Freight & Volume , as well as at the Prattsville Art Center in New York , La Mama Gallery, Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, and Larrie ( curated by Ashton Cooper ) . This solo exhibition in Azulejo is the artist's first overseas exhibition. Massachusetts DNA , Prattsville Arts Center, Platform Project Space, including residency at Basil Alkazi , She has participated in group exhibitions such as Rachel Uffner, The Academy of Arts and Letters, the New School, Etay Gallery, and Left Field Gallery , and is preparing for a group exhibition at Night Gallery in Los Angeles. Basil H. Alkazzi painting category and Rema Hort Mann finalist, winner of the John Koch Prize at the Academy of Arts and Letters. It is housed at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art and Wayne State University . Rhode Island University, Wayne State University, Pratt University, Marymount University, He served as an associate professor in the Department of Painting at SUNY , He is currently an associate professor at Hunter College and Cooper Union University in the Department of Painting.
토니 블루스톤은 Bard College와 Hunter College에서 각각 순수미술 학사, 석사를 졸업하고 미국에서 활동해왔고, 작년 가을, 전속 갤러리인 Freight & Volume에서의 개인전을 비롯해 뉴욕의 프랫츠빌 아트센터, La Mama Gallery, Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Larrie (Ashton Cooper기획)의 갤러리에서 개인전을 가졌으며, 이번 아줄레주에서의 개인전은 작가의 첫 해외 전시이다. 메사추세츠 DNA, 프랫츠빌 아트센터, 바질 알카지에서 레지던시를 비롯해 Platform Project Space, Rachel Uffner, The Academy of Arts and Letters, the New School, Etay Gallery, Left Field Gallery등의 그룹전에 참여했으며, 이 외에도 로스엔젤레스의 Night Gallery에서의 그룹전을 준비중이다. Basil H. Alkazzi 회화 부문과 Rema Hort Mann 최종 후보였으며 예술문학 아카데미에서 존 코흐 상을 수상한 이력이 있으며, Leslie-Lohman 미술관과 웨인 주립 대학에 소장되어 있다. 로드아일랜드대, 웨인주립대, 프랫대, 메리마운트대, SUNY에서 회화과 부교수를 역임했고, 현재는 헌터 컬리지와 쿠퍼 유니온 대학 회화과에 부교수로 재직 중이다.
Selected Works
160 x 86.3 cm Oil on linen 2022

Cathedral160 x 86.3 cm Oil on linen 2022
Inside Out
88.9 x 152.4 cm Oil on canvas 2023

Inside Out88.9 x 152.4 cm Oil on canvas 2023
Untitled (Emerging Artists)
114.3 x 88.9 cm Oil on canvas 2023

Untitled (Emerging Artists)114.3 x 88.9 cm Oil on canvas 2023
A League of "Their" Own
71.1 x 106.6 cm Oil on linen 2022

A League of "Their" Own71.1 x 106.6 cm Oil on linen 2022
Framing the Frame
101.6 x 95.25 cm Oil on canvas 2021

Framing the Frame101.6 x 95.25 cm Oil on canvas 2021
91.44 x 104.14 cm Oil on canvas 2021

Re-Oriented91.44 x 104.14 cm Oil on canvas 2021
Big Catch
91.44 x 55.88 cm Oil on canvas 2023

Big Catch91.44 x 55.88 cm Oil on canvas 2023
Beneath The Skin
45.7 x 93.9 cm Oil on linen 2022

Beneath The Skin45.7 x 93.9 cm Oil on linen 2022